Friday, May 30, 2008

The latest "1s" in art

Art will always get criticized, weather by a dad who studied art, my teacher or in fact anyone who sees it and knows better. The reason why I'm putting these up is because they have something special that makes me feel satisfied enough with them.
Maybe it's the reason why I drew them, maybe because they're different from my normal art or something else that i can't put my finger on, but either way, if you're reading this you're going to see them, too. So where does that leave us?
With more criticism. Heehee, such is life!

(For those who don't know the German grades, '1' is the best and '6' is the worst, both of these pictures got '1s')
Alright, this one of my dearest most lovable friends. Sad to say I messed up the face a little by making it a tad too round and the shades of the nose are also off, but it was my first drawing with charcol, so forgive me my trespasses; I'm not yet worthy to draw such beauty perfectly.
Again, this was inspired by a t-shirt that read:
"I must be a mushroom. They keep me in the dark and feed me lotsa bullshit."
Haha, anyhow, as you probably can notice, it's a druggy-pic... so I guess you can also read into it!
I love you john!

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