Wednesday, August 20, 2008

My class - The bunch of idiots and I

Half as bad, they can be real fun, like then!
(note that since blogs always screw up the writing and pics, i won't bother fixing the weird looking words etc. have a nice day.) We had a class-party this summer, don't have onlyhave pictures of the day though, was real funny and everyone had a blast...of course there are always the party-poopers who think they're real cool, but hey, real cool people don't let that get them us :D!
Bobbycar racing, barbeque, Sing-Star, limbo, soccer,
dancing, a load of music and broken air-matresses *gulp*
...and COFFEE COFFEECOFFEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I guess the funnest part was taking pictures that got deleted, hehe...o well I still have some, so what heck!
By the way, if anyone recognizes that the man with the beer is my teacher, please don't tadle-tale he's on my blog :P, 2 people got sued last year for posting 2 videos on youtube, my english teacher as bate- she hasn't returned to school since :P.
Us anti-social school kids never took a form photo that day, so you'll only be seeing some of my class. As for my classmates seeing this: I WILL NOT TAKE ANY PICTURES DOWN!Heehee!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Nature, biking, JAIL!

Two weeks in a "Holiday- Village".
Was a great place, nice lake, satisfiying food,

..Anyone every been 24/7 with their parents and puperty-starting brothers for


I mean, I live with them - no problem, but fitting eight people in a four-man-bungalow was just TOO MUCH!
My savior was my older brother and weekend 'call for free to vodafone users' phone calls.
Either way, with hell or family, the holidays were fun and we still got along just enougth to not end up dead.
All I can say is that the nature there was stunning!

I've never seen the things I saw there before!

...My personal heaven -
it must have been the Lord :).

And to top it off i found my first four-leafed clover there:D..ok, not in direct nature, but the place. Another miracle...I've been looking for those things my whole life :P

*I even found a five-leafed one..... :D*
Then there was the "Bautzen Gefängnis"- the 'Bautzen jail'.

Twas interesting enough and the cells reminded me of the bungalows, but we had fun running down the halls of eternal imprisonment *note half sarcasm and screw Hitler!*
Nah, it was fun.

And though the hardships, I enjoyed my time.